Museum and Exhibition Experience
Archaeological Ceramicist, Pontokomi-Vrysi, Archaeological Museum of Aiani, Greece
Archaeological Ceramicist, Pontokomi-Souloukia, Archaeological Museum of Aiani, Greece
Research Assistant for Malcolm Wiener, Institute for Aegean Prehistory, Greenwich, CT
As a Research Assistant for Malcolm Wiener, and in addition to regular office work (e.g., maintaining and archiving correspondence), I assisted in his ren the wider Aegean world. I helped to prepare PowerPoint lectures, translate articles, and edit papers for publication. I was continually engaged in reading and stay updated with the most recent literature on the prehistoric Aegean; noting conferences, new excavations, and scientific findings on topics related to the East Mediterranean Bronze Age.
Archaeological ceramicist, Neolithic specialist and trench supervisor, Pelekita Cave Excavations (Neolithic–Bronze Age), Kato Zakros, Crete, Greece
I participated in both excavations seasons of the re-excavation of the Pelekita Cave near Kato Zakros, Crete as a trench supervisor. I made tags, kept the notebook, made trench drawing, scarp profiles, assisted in taking elevations, and mapping the cave. I created a Harris matrix for the complex stratigraphy, which includes a layer of tephra from the eruption on Thera in the Late Bronze Age. Furthermore, I am responsible for of the publication of the Neolithic pottery. I performed macroscopic clay analysis, recorded the ceramic lots, and made my own drawings and photographs. The preliminary findings have been reported at several conferences in Greece and the United States, and there are a few brief publications
Pelekita Cave takes its name from this Minoan quarry at the coast
Pelekita Cave sign
Keeping the excavation notebook
Helping to map the cave and make a site plan
Pelekita cave finds to transport out of the cave
We had to hike to an from the cave, carrying the finds
Strewn Neolithic pottery to be sorted and processed
Photographing Neolithic pottery
Pelekita spreadsheet of diagnostic features
Trench plan by level
Working Harris matrix of excavation stratigrahy
Archaeological ceramicist, Neolithic specialist, Early Neolithic Mavropigi-Filotsairi, Archaeological Museum of Aiani, Greece
I began studying Early Neolithic from the rescue excavation Mavropigi-Fillotsairi, in Western Macedonia while finishing my dissertation. The site is central to the larger, ongoing discussion of the Neolithisation of Europe, due to its geographic location, early radiocarbon dates, types of ceramics, architecture, and multiple burials. I studied the material from all of the houses, large pits and graves, created a typology, performed macroscopic clay analysis, recorded the ceramic lots, and made my own drawings and photographs.
Neolithic pottery under study
Aiani Archaelogical Museum
Graffiti in the abandoned village of Mavropigi
Sorting, processing, and Neolithic pottery
Macroscopic observations on clay paste and inclusions
Large lot count spreadsheet
Mavropigi photo archive of diagnostic sherds
Librarian Fellow, Institute for Aegean Prehistory, Study Center for East Crete, Greece
While finishing my Ph.D. on Neolithic pottery from Greece, I received the INSTAP SCEC Librarian Fellowship, and I moved to Pacheia Ammos, Crete. As Librarian Fellow, I was responsible for overseeing the non-circulating specialized library and archives. I was responsible for the library budget, making new acquisitions, and binding journals. I maintained and expanded the INSTAP book exchange to over 22 European collaborating institutions. In addition to assisting library patrons with their research, I scanned the local papers for archaeological news to post on the INSTAP announcement board, standardized the cataloging system according to the Library of Congress for languages other than English, and created the first handbook on the library responsibilities for future librarians.
as INSTAP SCEC Librarian Fellow reshelving a book
reading the local newspaper for archaeological news as Library INSTAP SCEC Librarian Fellow
Conducting research as INSTAP SCEC Librarian Fellow
Archaeological illustrator and excavation assistant, Chryssi island, Dragonada island, Petras cemetery, and Alatzomouri Pefka, Crete, Greece
During the summers, I went to Crete, where I worked on several projects and active excavations, all of which were in part connected to the Institute for Aegean Prehistory, Study Center for East Crete (INSTAP SCEC), such the excavation at Chryssi Island, the Petras cemetery, and the Bramiana dam rescue excavation. I participated in excavation of these sites as trench supervisor, photographer, and artist.
Chryssi beach, with endangered cypress trees, facing northeast to Crete
assisting in Chryssi conservation of a metal find
Excavating Late Minoan Chyrssi, with Allyson McCreery Burton
Entering a cave on Dragonada
Exploring a cave on Dragonada for illegal digging
Back at INSTAP SCEC, I drew pottery from these sites cataloged them, labeled the finds, and assisted the INSTAP photographer in photographing the finds. I did the same for previously excavated material. such as from the Pacheia Ammos rock shelter, Alatzomouri Pefka, and the Pseira shipwreck.
Labeling artifacts
Drawing a cup
Trench Supervisor, Bramiana Dam rescue excavation, Bramiana, Ierapetra, Greece
In addition to the excavation responsibilities as a trench supervisor (overseeing workmen, keeping the notebook, taking elevations, drawings, and photography) for the excavation, I also studied some of the ceramic material from Bramiana.
Artificial lake created by dam
Bramiana mudbricks on surface of site
Keeping field daybook on Bramiana excavation
Taking elevation on Bramiana excavation
Workman supervisor, Dams and Water Management Systems of Minoan Pseira, Pseira Island, Crete, Greece
I oversaw the cleaning of the Minoan dams on the island of Pseira.
The island of Pseira at sunset
One foot on the African and European tectonic plates
Researcher, Aegean Digital Archaeological Atlas, Tyler School of Art, Temple University Archaeology Lab, Philadelphia, PA
As a Ph.D. student in Art History at the Tyler School of Art, I worked in Temple University Archaeology Lab, scanning excavation drawings for inking, scanning documents for archives, researched and entered information into the Aegean Digital Archaeological Atlas database and georectified survey sites on the project's map.
Research intern, Greek Bronze-Age ceramics, Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
While in graduate school for Museum Studies, I was a rentern at Harvard University’s Arthur M. Sackler Museum in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I entered hand-written and old (type-writer) acquisition information into the Museum’s database. I identified the vessel morphology and decorative motifs according to the literature. I also added bibliographic parallels for vessel shape, decoration, and possible origins of the vessels.
Researcher and cataloger, Iron-Age small finds from Tell Beit Mirsim (Israel)
In a gap year after undergraduate, I helped to catalog and research artifacts at the Kelso Museum of Near Eastern Archaeology (formerly the James L. Kelso Bible Lands Museum) at the Pittsburgh Seminary, which conducted archaeological field work in the Near East (modern day Israel, West Bank, and Jordan) beginning in the early 1920’s. Specifically, I catalogued, researched, and entered data into the museum’s database for Iron-Age small finds (including juglets and beads of various materials) from the site of Tell Beit Mirsim (Israel), which dug in the late 1920's early 1930's William F. Albright, an American archaeologist, biblical scholar, philologist, and expert on ceramics.
Assistant archaeological site photographer, to Winn Burke Mitrou Archaeological Project, Tragana, Greece
As a photography student, I was the Assistant archaeological site photographer to Winn Burke for the inaugural excavation season of the Mitrou Archaeological Project (MAP), which at the time (2004) was part of the Cornell Halai and East Lokris Project. I took excavation photographs, assisted in photographing small finds in the studio, relabeling and managing the digital images. I also documented the all of the excavation processes and social aspects of the dig.
Tidal islet of Mitrou in the Gulf of Atalanti
Updating the photography log
Careful excavation of a cist tomb at Mitrou
Balloon photography
Tidal islet of Mitrou 7 Excavation in progress, with walls beginning to be revealed
Sweeping a level before photography
Panoramic view of the early excavation phase at Mitrou
Assistant archaeological ceramicist, Neolithic specialist, workman, and workroom supervisor, Cornell Halai and East Lokris Project, Tragana, Greece
For the Cornell Halai and East Lokris Project (CHELP) I supervised workman, students, and volunteers cleaning the archaeological site. I also oversaw the day-to-day of the workroom (apothiki) and managed the study of the Neolithic pottery from the Neolithic levels of the site. I assisted in cataloging, drawing, database creation and entry, prepared the material for transfer and storage in the Atalanti Museum, and created a proposal on how to display the material.
Entering data into the Filemaker Prodatabase in 2006
Drawing Neolithic pottery from Halai in 2011
Macroscopic examination of Neolithic pottery in 2009
Cataloging Neolithic pottery
Camping for the CHELP and MAP projects, in the true spirit of fieldwork
Since freshman year as an undergraduate at Cornell University, I have been involved in all aspects from excavation to publication of archaeological material from Greece. My archaeological interests lay in the “prehistory” of the Aegean. This fascinating period includes a much broad geographical region involved in the movements of people and objects across continents.
Lily Bonga and Florence Hsu modeling reproductions and pose in 2012 (photo by Dr. Bernice Jones)
Fresco from the House of the Ladies, Akrotiri, Thera (Jones 2015, Pl. 4.103b after B. R. Jones 2015 (reprint 2019), Ariadne’s Threads The Construction)
In addition to my experience on excavations in Greece as an undergraduate and graduate student, I also contributed to the study of Neolithic pottery from Halai in Fthiotida, Mavropigi-Fillotsairi in Western Macedonia, and Pelekita near Katos Zakros on the island of Crete.
Reenacting use of ground stone stools on an archaeological site
Visiting an archaeological site
I would like to thank the scholars who gave me permission to use images that I made for their projects on this website, friends and colleagues who took pictures of me in action, and all those who encouraged and helped me over the years.
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